Perfection is attained: not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Now I'm gonna be completely clogging up your news feed..

But I'm so bored and just finished work and trying to kill abit of time before it's a fairly acceptable time to go to sleep (10.00pm I'm saying)
Anyways anyways what did I even want to say? Fast went fine ofcourse, it'll be for the next 3 Thursdays. I'm counting today as my introduction into the fast though, just because I'm making it an official 3 week JUICE fast, and today wouldda made it odd, so i had a glass of juice and just had a cup of tea too ( a final fairwell!) haha.
I can't explain what it is about fasting- but i find it so much easier to do than restricting?..
And it's not for any of the naff saint-ana pretentious reasons either.I mean c'mon! I'm not loving feeling so empty, flying like an angel because of the weightlessness of my total peace and clarity with my mind, body and soul.Ha, NO.I think it might be that I really am just too all-or-nothing. :/Which just means literally restricting days never truly last, I don't know why I manage to abstain from food altogether but can't stop myself having an extra biscuit or slice of toast when I'm meant to be dieting.Hmm..Anyways back to the now, 3 weeks starts tomorrow! I'm excited to see if I can actually do it though. The longest I've managed is 8 days.. which sounds rather insignificant in comparison but I never had a real aim I was just seeing if I could. The date of my birthday can't be altered.. I have no choice but to lose this weight.The first week I'm usually motivated, then by next weekend I'll only have 2 weeks left 'til the actual night out so If I don't carry on I won't have any time to make amends!Hopefully that'll be enough to keep me going.. I'm not trying the dress on again 'til a couple of days before.JUST INCASE.Not only do i hope to be able to surprise myself but I don't wanna get bored, and I wanna see a noticeable comparison to the last time.BUT LADIES I NEED YOUR WISDOM!..Pleasepleaseplease tell me that one of you has some tips on maintaining after a fast, is it really possible?!  know the basics- Don't binge at McDonalds Drive-Thru the entire fortnight after, but seriously what do I do?Gonna love ya's and leave ya's :)


Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Why is blogger so quiet atm?

It seems like no-one posts these days :(
Anyways, I'm starting a juice fast for hopefully about 24 days with 5 non-consecutive pure water days included.
Let'cha know how it goes!


It's arrived!

The dress..
And I more than definitely have to be <98lbs (7 stone)
My ma' agrees.. will be amazing after dropping a couple (i'm going for a stone)

Cross your fingers guys:/ I'm'a need a miracle!- But it can be done :)

Keep ya's updated


Sunday, 27 March 2011


Despite my own disbelief at being able to succeed in my fast
this weekend I am pleased to report back that I’ve done it girls!
Haha, not a huge deal… 3 days but it just feels so good to know that if I want to I can do whatever I want. And d’you know what? - It wasn’t hard at all!
Maybe because I kept reminding myself what the outcome would be but seriously I really enjoyed it and barely had any moments of weakness, I’ve had loads (well that might be a slight exaggeration, but enough) energy to carry me through this weekend.
AND I thought after doing so well and feeling so fresh I thought i should finish off a perfect fast with a SWF (salt water flush.. if you don’t know, you should do some googling). Don’t need to fill you in on all the gory details! I’ve got the whole house to myself all night as well which was the main reason I thought I’d better take advantage of the total privacy.
So now I’m just drinking a chamomile tea and getting ready to be in bed by 10pm. I know, but I’m absolutely shattered. Had to be in work dead early today but in addition to that the clocks went forward so lost an extra hour of precious sleep.  L

So seeing as I am really, really running out of time before the big day I’ve made up a strict regime for the next month-ish. Here it is:Monday 28th March -> Thursday 31stMarch (payday woo) -1000cals max and 1 hour exercise min
Friday 1st April -> Sunday 3rdApril –Liquid Fasting
Monday 4th April -> Thursday 7thApril -1000 cals max and 1 hour exercise min

Friday 8th April -> Sunday 10thApril - Liquid Fasting (+ SWF)
Monday 11th April -> Thursday 14th April - 1000 cals max and 1 hour exercise min

Friday 15th April -> Thursday 21st April - Liquid Fasting + morning jog + yoga
Friday 22nd April - 1000 cals
Saturday 23rd April (Birthday woo!) - 500 cals: to line the stomach! Haha ;)

Speak soon ladies J

Thursday, 24 March 2011


Woo, just ordered my dress for my birthday ladies..
MUST have been fate- It temporarily went out of stock but after refreshing for an hour one must have been cancelled or returned and I managed to nab the last UK8
I cannot tell you how relieved I am, but this calls for serious strictness now! If I wanna not only fit but be happy parading around in this little mini and dancing all night long; I have to really get my act together.
Wanna have a sneaky peek?
The models on that site are bloody thinspiration if anything let alone the lovely clothes!
Tomorrow I intend on starting a 3-day fast to properly kickstart my 4 week countdown!
Wish me luck ladies.. It's been a while but I hope I can repeat my old ways :)
Remember ladies- not long left!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

- Has it really been over 6 months?!

I don't know where it's gone.. motivation- but I'm here still.
I'm still here, every last heavy bit of me :(
Disgusting and disappointed and running out of precious time.
Time that should be spent living life- not hating it and hiding behind baggy clothes. What a waste of my teenage years, not wanting to go out and be normal and have fun. Too much time has been wasted  despising every aspect of me.
No more, pleeeeeeeease, I don't wanna be so unhappy all the time for one more day!
I have less than five weeks until I become an adult. My birthday will note the first day of the rest of my life.. As a woman.
I want to be beautiful, and the best (worst) part is that I could be, if I could just put down that second helping of cake..third..fourth..
Anyways, looking back over previous months of blogging I was alot more focused then, and I really have to be again.
I have no choice, if I'm not gonna do it this time I undoubtedly never will.
Goodbye Fatty, I never want to be seeing you again!
A stone in 4.5 weeks- possible/easy right?!
