Perfection is attained: not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Not an awful day i suppose, around 800 hundred calorie-wise.
I haven't had time to exercise but i was on my feet running around for 4 hours at work tonight..which is something i suppose.
Tomorrow i'm fasting just simply because i haven't got much to do and i won't particularly need bundles of energy.
Lets see anyways, i'm getting back into the whole updating again (: keeps me focused


Wednesday, 24 March 2010

P.S. i really need to thank everyone for the support you have given in comments, i don't show my gratitude enough to all you girls- and 99 follower, god! never thought anyone would be interested in the crap i have to say haha, thankyou though (:

I don't know if many of you know the show Supersize vs Superskinny, 'cause i'm personally obsessed with it..
Reverse and Thinspiration all in one, i love it.
You girls should check out the videos.. i reckon you'd be interested too

And finally, now i'm getting back into updating i've just come across some lovely pictures of Mila Kunis for her recent shoot in GQ.
Know no-one will appreciate it as much as you lot...


Stay skinny, minis
I haven't wanted to post, 'cause i haven't alot to say.
I hate the fact that everytime i write a new entry i have nothing new to add- just more depression, let downs. Boring. All boring, same-old fat.
I've still been reading everyone's blogs but i was just embarassed to say anything myself when everyone is atleast making some progress and i just stay here, the same. I simply remain.
I think i've put on weight but i have no official way of knowing for sure..the scales are gone.
I live in baggy joggers and a huge coat- yes i do look a ho-bo and i hate that too.
My mum just came up and we tried to sort out my wadrobe, i was suprised at how many nice clothes I have. All wastes of money, obviously. I ended up just sat on the floor unable to stop crying. Mainly because i cannot believe i have got to the stage where i'm scared of a pair of jeans, scared of everyone's reaction to my body. Embarassed to allow anyone to see. So I hide, and i waste my life, sitting inside in stupid joggies and an oversized, overworn coat.
It's ridiculous, i don't know how i got to this stage/state. This isn't me and it needs to stop.
I've been trying, trying hard to stop a binge; remember what it is i'm trying for.

I will do it, eventually, because i can't carry on hiding away, i'm not pathetic. I am strong, i need confidence and all i want is to be happy.
4 weeks to my birthday, and if i'm not 94lbs i don't want to be anything at all.